Step 1:
Click 'Sign In' or 'Join' to log in to your account.
Step 2:
Login/Create your account and start shopping!
Step 3:
Select your desired size and click 'Add to Cart'.
Step 4:
If you are settled on purchasing your item(s), visit your cart page at the top right corner.
Step 5:
Verify that your items are in order. If you have any special instructions, include it in the text box provided (as shown in pic).
When ready, click ‘Check Out’ to arrange delivery.
Step 6:

You will be prompted to indicate your shipping information.
If you have any gift or discount code, please key it in before proceeding to choosing the payment method.
Step 7:
Choose preferred payment method.
Before clicking 'Complete order', be sure to review your order.
Step 8:
And Voila! You have completed your order!
Now sit back, relax and wait for your order to reach you.